Cancellation Policy

For Equity investment advisory services under the JEWEL Plan(Maxiom Equity advisory for WEaLth creation):

The JEWEL plan gives you personalised equity investment advice that requires significant research, human resource, technology and other overheads from the organisation.

Given these overheads involved in this activity, if the investor wishes to cancel the service, a refund of Fees for the unexpired period of the Term, except for the period before the next full quarter is provided. This is because there are quarterly activities conducted and resources are planned upfront accordingly.

This refund policy is applicable only from 01 April 2021 and not on contracts concluded prior to that date.


  • For example, if you subscribe in January for a one year term and pay a fee of Rs 120 (as an illustration), and cancel in March, then the fees applicable from July (ie after the next quarter which is the April-June quarter) which comes to Rs 60 is refunded.

  • If you cancel in May, then the fee for the October-December quarter which is Rs 30 is refunded.

  • If you cancel in the July-September quarter, then there shall be no refund.

Jama Wealth